
课程咨询:(9:00-24:00) 在线咨询


2024/8/31 23:16:28
人气: 来源:浙江新航道雅思托福培



1. Some people think that it is important to have a lot of friends, while others think that it is not necessary. What is your opinion and why?
2.Some companies are controversial and criticized for their  business practices. Do you think it is acceptable for people to take jobs at such companies, even if the jobs pay well? Explain why or why not.
3. Some people prefer to study in the morning, while others prefer to study at night. Which do you prefer and why?
4. When visiting a museum that allows photography, some people like to take photographs of the exhibits they see. Others prefer to simply look at the exhibits and do not take photographs. Which do you prefer? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
5. Some people prefer to work for a large company, while others prefer to work for a small company. Which do you prefer and why?
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Athletes do not deserve the high salary they're paid.
7. Your university plans to allow people from the local community to attend classes for free, but they will not receive a grade in the course or feedback on assignments. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
8. Some people believe that it is important to learn about history, while others believe that it is not necessary. What is your opinion and why?
9. When having an assignment or project to do, some people prefer to finish it long before the due date; others prefer to start doing it right before the deadline. Which one do you prefer and why?
10. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: People from ordinary or even poor families can be really good government leaders? Why or why not?
11. Some people prefer to have friends who share the same opinions or beliefs about the world as they do. Other people prefer to have friends who have opinions or beliefs about the world that are different from their own. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
12. Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn some domestic skills like cooking, sewing and taking care of children?
13. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that children should be allowed to use electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets in school?
14. Some people believe that it is better to live in the present, while others think it is more important to plan for the future. What is your opinion?
15. Some people believe that it is important for children to have a strict schedule, while others think they should have more freedom. What is your opinion?
16. Some people prefer to spend their free time with their family or friends. Others prefer to spend their free time alone. Which do you prefer and why?
17. You need to take a history class as part of your graduation requirements, and you have two choices that fit into your schedule. In both classes, only the professor gives a grade to the re-search papers. However, in one of the classes, the students also read and provide feedback for other students’ papers. Which class would you prefer to take?
18. Some parents think they should protect their children from making mistakes. Other parents think it is best to allow children to make their own mistakes. Which view do you agree with? Use specific examples and details in your response.
19.When you hang out with your friends, in terms of where to play, do you prefer to  make decisions by yourself or by you and your friends together? Give specific explanation in your response.
20. If you have a chance to choose your job, would you like to choose a job with high salary or that can get personal satisfaction? Why?



1.  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a  post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr. Diaz:With  so  many  opportunities  to  connect  nowadays,  some  people  believe  that  no  matter which country we come from, we have more similarities than we have differences. However, others have observed that differences between themselves and people from other countries are  growing.   In  your  view, are differences   between  people  from  different  countries increasing, or are they diminishing? Why?
Claire:I think the differences among  us  are decreasing as our exposure to  products from other countries  grows.  We  can  enjoy  food  from  any  country.  We  can  watch  movies  made  in faraway places. We can go to a store and buy authentic goods from around the world. These things become part of our normal life and make our differences seem smaller.
Paul:I understand what Claire is saying, but for some people, being exposed to differences makes them retreat into their own corner even  more.  Look at social  media. We are exposed to many different people and ideas, but a lot of people talk to only those they agree with and ignore the rest. This only makes the differences between people increase."
2.  Your professor is teaching a class on child development. Write a post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Doctor Achebe:Today, we're exploring the impacts of children caring for  pets. Some  people  believe that taking care of animals  like dogs or cats can teach  kids  responsibility,  empathy, and even improve their social skills. Can having a pet benefit children in their development? What do you   think   about   the    idea   of   kids    raising   pets?   Share   your   thoughts    on   whether children benefit from caring for a pet and how this experience might influence their growth and development.
Andrew:I think children benefit from raising pets, fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy. Additionally,  nurturing  scientific  curiosity   is  crucial  for  their   development.   Encouraging hands-on  experiments  and  interactive  learning  in  science  enhances  critical  thinking  and problem-solving skills. By combining pet care with scientific exploration, we can help kids develop a well-rounded set of skills.
Claire:I believe it's not beneficial for kids to raise pets as it's often the parents who end up caring for them. Children might lack the responsibility needed for proper pet care. Moreover, pets require  consistent  attention,  which  can  be  challenging  for  kids  managing  school  and activities. This situation often results in parents taking on the primary caregiving role.
3.  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a  post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Doctor Gupta:We've been discussing the process of starting a new business and one of the most critical aspects of this process is staffing. That is, deciding which people to hire. Please discuss the following  question:  ls  it  better  for  new  businesses  to  hire  experienced  veterans  of  the industry or to staff the business with younger employees who are right out of university? Why do you think so?
ClaireI think a company should staff a business with the most experienced employees possible. lf you're starting a new business, you need people around you who know what they are doing and can quickly get the business up to speed. Spending time training inexperienced people will slow you down.
Paulunderstand what Claire is saying, but if you are starting a new business, you want people who are particularly enthusiastic and energetic. Who better than a recent graduate to bring those qualities to the job? You would be guaranteed an ambitious hard worker.
4.  Your professor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Doctor Diaz:As you approach graduation, you may be considering your next steps for further education, Some opt to enroll full-time to complete an advanced degree as quickly as possible. Others choose to work while slowly progressing towards a degree. Given these options, I'm curious to know your thoughts. After finishing your undergraduate studies, do you prefer pursuing an advanced degree full-time or continuing work while studying part-time?
Andrew:I think it's better to go to college full-time instead of trying to balance part-time classes and a full-time job. For me, I know l wouldn't be able to focus on my studies if I was exhausted from work all the time. Full-time college allows me to put all my energy into my classes and get the most out of my education. Trying to do both college and work full-time seems way too stressful for  me to  handle.  I'd  rather  get  my  degree  done  faster  by  being  a  full-time student.
Claire:I think going to college part-time while working is better because I can use what I learn in class at my job right away. The classes feel more relevant when I'm able to apply the material to real work situations. Instead of just memorizing concepts, I get to see how they work in practice.  And  getting  work  experience  while   I  study   looks  good  on   my  resume.I  think balancing the two helps me get more out of my classes and prepares me for my career at the same time. I'd rather take classes part-time and work than just study full-time.
5.  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a  post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr. AchebePeople travel for  many  reasons.  Traveling  allows  people  to  practice  a  different  language, explore  and  admire  new  landscapes,  and  encounter  other  cultures.  In  the  past,  physical travel was the only practical way to experience the pleasures and benefits of traveling. Today, television  and  the   Internet  allow   people  to  experience   many  aspects  of  distant   places without leaving their homes. Do you believe that exploring other places through technology offers many of the same benefits as in-person travel? Why or why not?
ClaireAbsolutely, virtual travel offers many benefits of physical travel. Through the internet and TV, we can immerse ourselves in the sceneries, different cultures, and even pick up languages - all from home. It's eco-friendly, cost-effective, and allows us to better prepare for an actual trip.
AndrewI don't  believe exploring  places through technology offers the same  benefits as  in-person travel. While virtual tours and online content give us a glimpse into different cultures, they fail to fully capture the sights, smells, sounds and feel of being there physically. It's only a shallow substitute for the real thing.
6.  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a  post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr GuptaTo continue our discussion of the health benefits of good nutrition, I'd like you to consider the broader topic of eating habits-not just what people eat and drink, but how often, how much, and when. Those who want to improve their health often begin by changing some kind of eating habit. This includes a wide range of behavior. What is one poor eating habit that would be important for most people to change, and why?
KellyIf people could start with one change to improve their eating habits, it would be to eat a better breakfast. Most people are so rushed in the morning that they don't take the time to sit down and eat a balanced meal. A good breakfast gives you more energy all day and keeps you from eating too much later on.
PaulI think most people don't bother to learn much about the food that they eat. This ignorance is a kind of bad eating habit. It can be burdensome, but you should try to read every food package label. The more you can learn about what you're putting in your body, the more likely you'll be to make good decisions.
7.  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a  post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr.AchebeIn recent years, travelers' accommodation choices have undergone a notable transformation. Nowadays,   many   people   prefer   privately-owned   residences  to  traditional   hotels.   This alteration  is  restructuring  the  travel  industry  and  generating  a  competitive  environment between  these  two  types  of  lodging.   Do  you   believe  that  the   heightened  competition between    privately-owned    residences    and    traditional    hotels    constitutes    a    positive development? If so, why, and if not, why not?
ClaireAbsolutely,  this  trend   offers   homeowners  an  extra  source  of  income.  For  travelers,   it frequently results in more budget-friendly accommodation choices. For example, during my last vacation,  I  opted  for  a  privately  owned  residence  and  saved  a  considerable  amount compared to hotel rates. This shift not only improves travel experiences but also bolsters local economies.
PeterNo, I don't believe it's a positive trend. Hotels provide greater opportunities for meeting new people and socializing. During my stay at a hotel last year, I connected with other travelers during breakfast and in shared spaces. This social aspect of hotel stays can enrich the travel experience by facilitating new connections.
8.  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a  post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr DiazWhile  owning  lots  of  consumer  products  is  believed  to  increase  the  quality  of  life  these products can also impose responsibilities on those who own them. For example electronic devices,  appliances,  and  vehicles  require  constant  attention  and  regular  maintenance. Possessions  also  need  to  be  stored  and  organized,  taking  uptime  and  space.  For  these reasons some people argue that having many possessions can actually decrease the quality of life. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
ClaireI totally agree that an excess of  possessions  can drag down our quality of  life. just think about the time we spend organizing closets or garages. I spend hours every month sorting and storing clothes in my closet. This clutter and the time it takes to manage it can become overwhelming and detract from enjoying life.
PaulJust the thought of having to constantly worry about my gadgets, or even my car, needing maintenance gives  me anxiety.  It's  like adding  extra  homework to  life.  Life  often  requires owning many things, but personally, l hate having to take care of them all or worry about them getting damaged or lost.
9.  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a  post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Doctor Achebe:Local governments have limited budgets to spend on enriching residents' lives. Supporting arts   programs   like  concerts  and   museums   offers  cultural  engagement,  while  funding recreational activities like hiking trails and parks promotes healthy lifestyles. As students who appreciate  culture  and  wellness,  let's  discuss  whether  local  funding  should  support  arts programs or recreational activities more. Which do you think better serves the community and why?
Kelly:I think local governments should prioritize spending on outdoor trails and parks rather than arts  programs  like  museums  and  concerts.  More  people  would  use  and  benefit  from improved recreation spaces than arts venues. If fewer residents are interested in the arts, they won't attend museums or concerts even if government funds them.
Andrew:I  believe  local  governments  should  actually  prioritize  spending  on  arts  programs  like museums  and  concerts  rather  than  recreation.  Precisely  because  fewer  residents  are inherently  interested  in  the  arts,  public  funding  is  essential  to  sustain  these  cultural institutions for the minority who appreciate them. Without support, access to the arts will decline and society will lose these enriching, enduring outlets for creative expression.
10.  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr. AchebeIn the  next  few  weeks,  we'll  be  talking  about  urban traffic  management.  Let's  begin  by discussing one popular idea-creating car-free central zones. Some cities around the world have recently designated their downtown areas as being automobile-free, which means that vehicles are not allowed to enter the city centers. Do you think that more cities should make their central zones car-free? Why or why not?
ClaireI support the idea of establishing free-car zones, because this will result in one important benefit because this will result in one important benefit for city residents: it will be better for their health. Instead of driving everywhere, people will be encouraged to walk or cycle more. It would be a great way to incorporate exercise into people's routines.
PaulIt  sounds  like  a  good  idea,  but  I'm  skeptical.  My  main  concern  is  that  many  businesses located in the city centers, such as shops and restaurants, may suffer because the customers will no longer be able to reach those businesses by car. For some customers, if they can't drive, they won't go at all.
11.  Your professor is teaching a class on business. Write a post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr.DiazWe've been discussing employee working arrangements-whether employees should report to an office or work at home. Some businesses require all employees to work in the office. Others choose  not to  have a  physical  office and  have all employees work from  home.  In industries where remote work is possible what is the most important factor for employers to consider when deciding where employees should work, and why?
ClaireI don't think businesses should allow their employees to work from home, because creating a sense of community and camaraderie among employees is so important for the success of a business, especially if it's a small business. It is challenging to develop that dynamic when employees are not together physically in the same space.
AndrewI think the most important thing to consider is the bottom line: keeping company expenses down. For example, requiring all employees to work from home might be the best option from an economic standpoint. Renting office space is expensive, as are the utility bills. Think of how much money a business could save if employees worked from home.
12.  Your  professor  is teaching a class on environmental protection. Write a post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should    Express and support your opinion.    Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Doctor Achebe:Recycling and waste management play a significant role in achieving a cleaner planet, but there  are  more  actions  individuals  can  take.  Encouraging  environmental  responsibility  is pivotal in fostering a better world. As we discuss the importance of individual contributions to  the  environment,  what  additional  steps  (beyond  waste  management)  do  you  believe individuals can take to significantly impact the environment positively?
Andrew:Refraining from using plastic bags while shopping and boycotting environmentally unfriendly products like disposable plastics saves time and energy by eliminating the need for recycling. This approach allows for more focus on other impactful eco-friendly measures. It not only conserves   resources    but   also    encourages   the    adoption   of    sustainable   alternatives, contributing to a greener and more efficient lifestyle.
Claire:Planting trees  effectively  cleanses  the  air  by  absorbing  pollutants,  promoting  cleaner  air. Supporting  afforestation and reforestation initiatives aids  in  reducing  pollution. These actions offer tangible benefits, purifying the environment. Prioritizing measures to eliminate emitted pollutants directly impacts and improves air quality, showcasing the immediate and crucial role individuals play in environmental conservation.














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